The Motorcoach Tour and Travel
Industry Creates Jobs in Virginia
Virginia companies that provide motorcoach services to intercity
travelers and group tours are a
critical part of the state's economy. Motorcoach operators,
along with the companies that supply services
and materials to them, provide well paying jobs in Virginia, and
pay significant amounts in tax
to local, state and federal governments.
Economic Impact of Motorcoach Based Travel in
Jobs (FTE)
Economic Impact
The Motorcoach Industry is a Crucial Part of
Virginia's Economy
Companies in Virginia that provide motorcoach services to
tourists, travelers and commuters
employ as many as 2,490 people in the state. In addition, companies
that supply services to motorcoach
passengers, such as hotels, restaurants and entertainment venues
employ as many as 9,210 additional
people in Virginia. [1]
These are good jobs, paying an average of $30,290 in wages
and benefits. And today, every job is important. In fact, in
Virginia the unemployment rate has reached 6.3 percent. This
means that there are already 267,600 people trying to find jobs in the state, and
collecting unemployment benefits. [2]
The Economic Benefit of The Motorcoach Tour and Travel
Industry is Felt Throughout the State of Virginia
Not only does the motorcoach travel industry create good
jobs in Virginia, but the industry also
contributes to the economy as a whole. In 2009, about 2,500 people
worked for firms that supplied goods
and services to companies working with motorcoach passengers.
These include a wide range of companies from wholesalers, to
accountants, to fueling stations. All told, nearly $1.9 billion
in total economic activity in Virginia can be attributed to the
motorcoach tour and travel industry.
In addition to providing good paying jobs for thousands of
workers in Virginia, motorcoaches are the most fuel- and
carbon-efficient mode of passenger transportation. Motorcoach
travel averages 206
passenger miles per gallon compared to commuter rail at 92, transit
bus at 31, personal automobiles at
27 and hybrid cars at 46 passenger miles per gallon.
Motorcoach travel also alleviates congestion on local
roads, city streets and major arteries by removing cars from
travel lanes; adds productivity to the workforce, and reduces
pavement wear. In Virginia alone, motorcoach travel saves 1.2
million gallons of fuel, 1.7 million hours of wasted time and
$31.4 million annually. [3]
Motorcoaches bring millions of tourists who support local
economies, and provide efficient, flexible and cost effective
transportation, linking commuters to employment, and airports
and rail stations to the surface transportation network.
Motorcoaches provide the only form of public intercity
transportation to millions of rural residents. This is all
accomplished by an industry of small businesses with little to
no taxpayer subsidies.
The State Also Benefits from the Taxes Paid by the
Taxes Generated in the United States
Tax Impact
Federal Taxes
State Taxes
Total Taxes
Not only does the motorcoach travel and tourism industry
create jobs, it also generates substantial revenues for state
and local governments. In Virginia, the industry and its
employees pay over $125.8 million in taxes including property,
income, and sales based levies. [4]
[1] John Dunham and Associates, New York, July 2009.
[2] The Bureau of Labor Statistics. Available on-line at: Data for 40705.
[3] Schrank, David and Tim Lomax,
Mobility Benefits from Motorcoach Service
, Texas Transportation Institute, December 2009.
[4] op cit, John Dunham and Associates.
Source: John Dunham and Associates, Inc. New York, New York 2009
& ABA Foundation